Sunday, September 29, 2013

"Autumn festival(秋季祭)"

The following pictures were taken at the "Autumn festival(秋季祭)" though it is simply known as the "chestnuts festival(栗祭り kuri matsuri)" to the locals, as it takes place in the season of chestnuts.
The festival functioned like a parade of a huge number of dancing groups that would come dancing in unison down the street. Many had drummers, however if they didn't they stayed in rhythm by calling back and forth to each other the sound of which would be difficult to accurately articulate through only text. They would trek and dance for a while then stop and do a more focused type of show for everyone watching.

And you thought you and your brother
were legit as children.
This picture was taken after we, as a group were invited to join in with one of the dancing groups in one of their dances.
I'm sure we looked quite bad, however the mood of the whole festival was wholesome and fun, that as long as we were
enjoying ourselves it seemed that all was ok, not to mention we were eventually able to find some synchronicity after
we formed a sort of conga line. It was incredible fun, and enlightening to why the Japanese love their festivals.

This picture I hope can attest to the amazing synchronicity of the dancers even
though they were just groups voluntarily compiled of community members.

Our good friend Kokoro, who made
the trip happen.


Loved this guy. Everyone seemed like they were having such good fun. It was easy
to fall in love with the place.

Coming soon, "Gaijin Gone Wild"   Jk.

Our good friend Ryutaro with some tasty noodles.

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